Wednesday, July 16, 2014


For the last several years I have picked rhubarb from the neighbor's back yard at the edge of the woods.  This has been a HUGE blessing!  She has given me permission to dig some up and plant on our property.  I really need to do this because she is 89 years old and I'm not sure how much longer she will be in her house.  (Even though she is in extremely good shape.  She still shovels, weeds, and I've even seen her cutting wood a few years back!)   I think that must be some wild phlox in the basket with the rhubarb.

Another neighbor (who passed away a few years ago)  let me pick her hydrangea.  They are so beautiful, dry nicely, and stay that way for many years.  I love them!

Early Spring 2011- tilling is done!  Old telephone poles are in place. After thinking about it for a while, I realized that it might not be a good idea to expose the soil to any residual creosote that might be on the old poles.  Hubby agreed after some convincing.  I felt much better to get them out of there.

Since we decided to eliminate borders all together, we were able to vary the size of the plots.

The fence is up!  Hubby built a four foot fence with a strand of wire going around the top in order to keep the deer (and other critters) out.  Looking back over these photos makes me really think about how hard he worked.  He's awesome!

First crop July of 2012.  We harvested quite a bit that first summer.  Praise God!

Winter 2012-Good morning, garden

High tunnel was added in 2012

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